Following his education at the Hogere Hotelschool (Higher Hotel Vocational School) in Leeuwarden, Deni successfully completed the pre-master and Organisational & Management Control Master’s Degree in Groningen. Before Viisi appeared on his path, he worked as a telephone mortgage advisor for ING.

Viisi’s customer-oriented approach and working method particularly appeal to Deni, whose wish is to continue to develop himself in conjunction with Viisi in the coming years, which he puts into action by continually setting challenges for himself. His goal is to provide every customer with the advice to actually help them move forward.

Deni has been playing high-level football all his life, and also likes to work out. He regularly attends festivals with friends and loves to watch movies and series. His favourites are Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad and Vikings.

Deni Nozic at the beach

Deni’s roles

Viisi is the first financial organisation in the world to implement Holacracy, and one of the few organisations that has opened up its entire organisational structure to anyone interested in it.

Below are some of Deni’s roles:

  • Adviseur Oversluiters
  • Compensation Guard
  • EFA/SEH Coördinator
  • Seminar gever Amsterdam
  • Viisionair

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Deni Nozic - Viisi

Deni Nozic

Telefoon: 020 811 8831
E-mail: [email protected]