As we understand, moving to a new country can be a challenging and complicated process. In the Netherlands there is a wide range of options of mortgage offers and the housing market is always evolving. Viisi is here to simplify the process and empower you with the right tools for a confident decision.

Advice on mortgage essentials

To get a good understanding of the mortgage options in the Netherlands, it's essential to familiarize yourself with two things: mortgage types and interest rates. That is why we will provide you with clear and accessible explanations of these key concepts. Our quality lies in comprehending the diverse range of options and providers available and combining it with a deep understanding of your individual preferences and priorities.

Linear and annuity mortgages
For new mortgages in the Netherlands, two primary types still qualify for mortgage interest deduction as of 2013:

  • Annuity mortgage (Annuïteitenhypotheek): In the early years of an annuity mortgage, your monthly payments are primarily composed of interest with a smaller portion allocated to loan repayment. Over time, as you steadily reduce your debt, the amount of interest you pay decreases. This balance reverses towards the end of the mortgage period, resulting in lower interest payments and higher loan repayments.
  • Linear Mortgage (Lineaire hypotheek): With a linear mortgage, you consistently repay a fixed amount each month in addition to the interest. Your debt diminishes monthly, leading to reduced interest payments over time. A linear mortgage is an excellent choice if you aim to pay off your mortgage swiftly, although initial repayments tend to be relatively high.

Mortgage advice on choosing between linear and annuity mortgages
You might be wondering which mortgage type offers the best long-term value and which term aligns with your financial situation and future plans. The answer depends on your unique circumstances, and our expert mortgage advisors are here to provide personalized guidance.

Other mortgage types
Before 2013, mortgage interest deduction applied to mortgage types different than annuity and linear mortgages, including interest-only mortgages and (bank) savings mortgages:

  • Interest-only mortgage (Aflossingsvrije hypotheek): With this option, you aren’t required to make principal repayments during the mortgage term; only monthly interest payments are necessary. Typically, the entire mortgage is paid off at the term’s end, but you can explore alternatives like extending the loan or making interim repayments. Tax deductibility of interest may apply under specific conditions.
  • (Bank) Savings mortgage: This unique loan involves no repayments during the term; instead, the loan is paid off at the term’s conclusion using a linked savings product. It’s essential to note that this type of mortgage is no longer available for first-time mortgage seekers.

Whether you have an existing mortgage from before 2013 or need further information, don’t hesitate to contact one of our experienced advisors for personalized guidance and insights.

Interest rates

When it comes to mortgages, not all interest rates are alike. Let’s dive into the key factors surrounding your mortgage interest rate:

  • Mortgage offer interest rate:
    This rate typically represents what you’ll pay when your mortgage term begins. It can be fixed or variable.
  • Current interest rate (Dagrente):
    If the rate drops between the offer and deed signing, some lenders allow you to secure the lower rate.
  • Downward-tracked interest rate (Dalrente):
    Rarely used today, this offers the lowest applicable rate from offer to deed.
  • Interest surcharges (Renteopslag):
    Rates can vary based on your Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio, with higher LTVs incurring surcharges.
  • Interest discounts:
    Discounts often come with conditions, like opening an account or having an energy-efficient home.
  • Annual percentage rate of charge:
    This overviews all mortgage costs, but its practicality may vary.
  • Interest rate cool-off period:
    Some mortgages offer a period where you can fix the rate without extra charges.

Do you want to know the current interest rates in the Netherlands? Have a look at our mortgage interest rates page. We provide a comprehensive overview of the market, showcasing interest rates from almost all lenders. This allows you to not just compare rates but also understand the different types of interest and discount options available.

Calculate your way to clarity

In order to give you a realistic estimation of your maximum mortgage, Viisi offers a free mortgage calculator. Whether you want to see if buying your dream house is a realistic option, or if you are just curious about what your current financial possibilities are, this calculator will easily calculate your maximum mortgage and monthly expenses.

Why choose an independent mortgage advisor?

Obtaining a mortgage as an expat comes with unique hurdles compared to Dutch citizens. Lenders often exercise caution with unconventional income sources like foreign employment. In such cases, an independent mortgage advisor can be invaluable. They offer tailored advice based on your unique ties to the Netherlands and the origins of your funds. Advisors can also navigate constraints like loan caps at 90% of a property’s market value, providing a more personalized and favorable mortgage solution.

In short, an independent mortgage advisor helps you negotiate the complexities of the mortgage landscape, ensuring you meet all regulations while securing the best terms for your situation.

Viisi as your expat mortgage advisor

While our online calculator can give you a reliable estimate of how much you can borrow, a one-on-one consultation with our expat mortgage advisors will offer you a much more detailed and personalised assessment. These mortgage advisors are highly experienced in providing the answers and insights you’ll need for all aspects of your home purchase.

At Viisi, we are devoted to simplifying your mortgage decision-making process. That’s why we offer no-obligation consultations and free educational webinars. With the proficient counsel of a Viisi mortgage advisor, you’ll be in an advantageous position to make informed and confident steps toward buying your dream home.

Mortgage advisor near me

The housing market is different in every city of the Netherlands. If you want the best independent mortgage advice, we recommend you choose the location closest to your (new) city.

If your preferred location is not mentioned above, fear not. We operate across 25 in the Netherlands, ensuring that wherever you aim to settle, we have the localised expertise to guide you effectively.