Mortgage consultation

Are you thinking of buying a home, and are you exploring the housing market? Or have you made an offer yet on your dream home? Then, you should be well prepared to purchase the house and arrange the mortgage. You can schedule a complimentary mortgage consultation. In just over half an hour, you will get answers to all your questions. How much can you borrow, how much of your savings do you need to contribute, and much more.

Plan a meeting

Mortgage advice often consists of two parts. Usually, these are also two meetings: the orientation meeting and the mortgage consultation.

Orientation meeting (also called introductory meeting)

In this first meeting, exchanging as much information as possible is essential to ensure you and your advisor can optimally prepare for the mortgage application.

Questions that come up are:

  • What information are you seeking, and what do you need to make the right decisions?
  • Determining your income, housing needs, and budget. How much can you borrow? How much do you want to borrow?
  • Do you qualify for a mortgage? Can you go to any lender, or is the choice limited?
  • Monthly costs: are you able and willing to pay the monthly costs associated with a particular mortgage?
  • What can we do for you as a mortgage advisor? What can you expect from us?
  • You can ask all your questions and start gathering the necessary documents. Uploading documentation is not mandatory for a first orientation, but it can help correct and complete all the information.

Tip 1: Look at our step-by-step plan for buying a house so you are optimally prepared to start We will ensure you are set to search for your new home if you have not yet purchased one. Once you’ve found the right property, you’ll know exactly how much you can bid. And if you really want the house, it helps to let the sellers know that financing won’t be a problem.

Tip 2: Read here how to submit documents correctly to keep up the speed of your mortgage application It is much more convenient if there is enough time to prepare everything in advance and, for example, to request an employer’s statement. Or submit your income tax return if you need it for your mortgage application. Later, when the time comes to arrange the mortgage, you will have all the necessary information and documents ready to go.

Do you already have an accepted offer on your future home? Then, we will prepare the advice together and make a follow-up appointment immediately.

Make an appointment now

Mortgage consultation

This meeting is all about making the right choices and arranging everything. Your advisor will help you construct the right mortgage and choose the best lender. Together, you also discuss which insurance policies will be applied for.

In the mortgage interview, you will discuss at least the following topics:

Now and later

Who are you, what can happen in the future, and what do we need to consider regarding the mortgage construction? How much money are you willing and able to put in? And what are the advantages and disadvantages?

Compare and choose

  • the fixed-interest period
  • forms of repayment
  • the tax aspects of the loan

Gross and net monthly costs

What are the gross and net monthly costs? And how will these develop in the future due to, for example:

  • additional repayments in the coming years
  • adjustment of the interest rate by the lender
  • changes in tax rules, income, house value
  • the expiration of the fixed-interest period

Choosing the lender

Choosing the lender who can make you the best offer. The interest rate is obviously important here. In addition, we compare 35 lenders in the market on conditions such as:

  • Can I rent out my home once I’ve taken out the mortgage?
  • Is it possible to increase the mortgage later, and what are the restrictions?
  • Can I repay my mortgage earlier, and what would be the penalty if I repay early?
  • Will I get a lower interest rate if I pay off the mortgage over time?
  • If I don’t accept the signed mortgage offer anyway (for example, because the interest rate has dropped in the meantime), do I pay a penalty?

Acceptance rules

With which lenders can you get a mortgage? Will all lenders welcome you with open arms as a new customer? Consider situations such as:

  • you buy an apartment, and the owners’ association is not active
  • a relatively large part of your income consists of bonuses, overtime pay, or allowances
  • you have a temporary contract as a PhD student, trainee doctor, or lawyer
  • and much, much more.

With proper preparation, all relevant information is known, and your mortgage advisor can select lenders where you are just welcome as a customer.


Which insurances are helpful, and which are necessary? What coverages and features should the insurance policies possess? At least the following insurances are discussed:

  • Life insurance
  • Disability and/or unemployment insurance for living expenses
  • Home insurance

Moving house often also means it is an excellent time to compare other types of insurance. Here, too, we can be of service.


What is the timeline? What are the critical dates? Especially think about:

  • Financing clause: is there one? If so, till when do we have time to reach an agreement on the mortgage?
  • Bank guarantee or deposit: how do we arrange this, is there a cost involved, and when should it be arranged?
  • When is the house transfer (and therefore, how long should the mortgage offer be valid)?

And, of course, we discuss much more, depending on what is important to you. Selecting an appropriate mortgage is specialist work, so we would like to get to know you better so we can think along with you. The introduction and initial consultation are free of charge. Once the house has been purchased and the mortgage meeting has been scheduled, we will send you our services contract. We ask you to sign this before or after the mortgage interview. After signing the services contract, we can apply for the mortgage, and you will receive our invoice.

Want to know what rate applies to you? That’s no secret; you can find the rates on this page. All our rates include advice and mediation of the mortgage and the associated life and disability insurance (if you receive wages). Do you still need clarification about whether, for example, a surcharge applies? In the introductory meeting, you and your advisor can agree on the rate that applies to you.

Schedule a free appointment

From house-hunting to house-warming in 5 steps

Making solid preparations for your house-hunt

Do you qualify for a mortgage in The Netherlands?

At first you can check if you can apply for a mortgage in The Netherlands by using our ‘Do I qualify for a mortgage?’ tool. Within two minutes you will know if there are possibilities for you for obtaining a mortgage in The Netherlands. No personal information will be asked when completing the tool.

Find out if you are qualified

Thoroughly prepared through our webinar

In a single evening, we’ll take you through all of the aspects involved in buying a home. Whether it’s your first home, or if you’re selling up and moving on to another property, our advisors are always happy to help you on your way.

Sign up for free

Calculate your maximum mortgage

Before you start looking, you’ll naturally want to know how much you can borrow. By using our online calculation tool, you can generate your own initial estimate.

Full service, we can connect you to all relevant parties

Viisi clients take advantage of our extended network. We connect you to the best real estate agents, appraisers, notaries, building inspectors etc.

Appointment with an advisor

We’ll conduct a preliminary meeting, and with us, it’s always without further obligation. This way, we can find out together within half an hour whether we’re able to help you. We can almost always provide a direct insight into your possibilities.

Schedule an appointment right away

Looking for more reading material?

Our knowledge base is packed with useful information on mortgages and house-hunting.

Get your bearings in the housing market

Check current prices and bidding info with Walter Living

Use Walter Living for your house-hunt. This allows you to request up-to-the-minute price and bidding information on all properties. Is a property being offered at a very attractive price, or is the asking price far too high? Has it been sold before and come back onto the market again later? You’ll get to see it all!

Bidding and negotiating

Offer with certainty

An offer without a financing condition increases your likelihood of a successful bid. It is not without risks however, which is why Viisi, in collaboration with BNP Paribas, introduced the Offer with Certainty. After a thorough assessment, you will receive a certificate with a specific amount up to which your mortgage is pre-approved. You can make the offer while dropping the financing clause, making it much more attractive for the seller.

Legal guidance

During your search and after the purchase of your new home, you can make free use of the DAS legal helpline, which is useful for any legal questions surrounding the purchase, financing, transfer and renovation of your new home.

Are there any other questions on your mind? Your advisor is on standby.

Your personal advisor with Viisi is always available for questions during your search. If you need to act quickly, we’re there for you immediately!

Tailor-made mortgage advice

Tailored mortgage advice

When your bid has been accepted by the seller, you need to arrange a number of things. First of all the mortgage. During the consultation, you will discuss with us a number of things to make sure you make the right choices:

  • How to structure the mortgage (repayments, fixing the interest, taxation)
  • Which interests are available in the market, what are the differences in terms of monthly payments?
  • Which mortgage conditions are important? And which lender offers the best deal for me?
  • What are the processing times of mortgage lenders and where do I have the best chance on an smooth approval of the mortgage?

Insurance included

Advice on life insurance and other insurances is always included in our advice, without any additional fees. Because it is important to be confident about your financial situation regardless what happens in the future.

Need an appraiser or bank guarantee?

Look no further, because Viisi can also set that up for you. We work together with a number of knowledgeable partners, who offer good service levels and competitive rates.

A 40% faster processing rate for your mortgage

Viisi is unique in having our own team of lightning-fast and accurate mortgage underwriters. They check your documentation before sending it to the mortgage lender. You will know immediately if something is missing or when an additional document might be needed. This way, we make sure that mortgage applications from Viisi are approved 40% faster than average.

Do you have any further questions? Your Viisi advisor will be there all along until your mortgage has officially been approved. And after that as well!

Your home is financed!

Final quote

When everything has been checked and approved, you will receive your final mortgage offer. All you need to do afterwards is sign, and your mortgage is done and dusted!

Congratulations! You can head over to the notary and pick up the keys to your house.

Do you have any questions after that? Or need to arrange insurances for your new home? Your Viisi adviser is there for you!

Get started

After the mortgage consultation

Usually, all the choices for the mortgage and insurance can be made during the interview. After the meeting, everything can be applied for immediately. It’s good to know that we monitor progress and ensure everything is in order and on time. We will also maintain contact with the notary, the selling broker, or an appraiser. With good preparation, the mortgage application does not have to take long.

Immediately upon application, we will check the documents you have uploaded. While we wait a while for the mortgage offer (indicative offer), you still have time to put the documents in perfect order. When the offer has been received and sent back, the lender can evaluate everything thoroughly and—in principle—immediately approve your mortgage. Because of this working method and the fact that the application is checked immediately upon sending the application, the chance of immediate approval is relatively high.

We have also been able to make tight arrangements with several lenders to review submitted mortgage files within 24 or 48 hours. Want to know how long it takes different mortgage lenders to review documents? We keep track of that here, so you rarely get surprises.

How long will my mortgage application take?

With this tight process, the final approval for your mortgage is often in place within two to three weeks. Sometimes, even faster. There are also situations where the mortgage application usually takes longer. For example, if you are an entrepreneur, then determining the income on which to base the mortgage application takes more time.

Here, you can find the processing times of mortgages per lender.

The most frequently asked questions about mortgage consultation

What do you discuss in a mortgage interview?

This meeting is about making the right choices and arranging everything. Your advisor will help you construct the right mortgage and choose the best lender. Together, you will also discuss which insurance to apply for.

A good mortgage advisor ensures the mortgage interview and advice fit seamlessly with the client’s situation and wishes.

Does a mortgage interview take place physically or digitally?

A mortgage interview at Viisi Mortgages can take place either physically or digitally. It depends on your preference.

What does a mortgage consultation cost?

The first mortgage consultation at Viisi Mortgages is free of charge. This is an introductory meeting during which we zoom in on your situation to give you a good idea of your options.

Once your bid on a property has been accepted, contact us again to start arranging everything in time and schedule a mortgage consultation. At this consultation, we will ask you to sign our services contract. The rates we charge for this are listed on this page and will always be communicated to you in advance by your personal Viisi advisor.

Can I also get a mortgage without a mortgage consultation?

These variants are available but not through Viisi. This is called ‘Execution only’; it is essential to read up on it if you are interested in this variant. You can think of it as a do-it-yourself mortgage. Because it is mainly about the most significant purchase in your life, we do not recommend doing this without custom mortgage advice. Furthermore, you severely limit the options available since only a few mortgage lenders are open to mortgages without getting proper advice.

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  3. Increase your chances of a winning bid.
  4. Ask all your questions directly to an advisor
  5. Exchange experiences and tips with like-minded expats
  6. In one hour fully up to speed 🚀

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